My research and skills are focused on the intersection of computer science, extended reality (XR), human‑computer interaction, cognitive psychology, and the use of sensor technologies. I design, develop, and evaluate XR applications that help people practice critical skills for life and performance improvement.
UX Designer & XR Developer.
- Research Topic: Design and Implementation of Games for the Empowerment of Cognitive Abilities.
- Research Interests: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Technology-enhanced Learning, Application of AI in Games, Cognition, Visualization
- Supervisor: Prof. Gustavo Marfia
- Co-supervisor: Prof. Luciano Bononi
- Affiliation: VARLAB Research Group
- Website: https://site.unibo.it/varlab/en
I have created immersive VR experiences to challenge and study the behavior of the user in situations where task instructions are ambiguous, such as navigating complex environments with unclear guidelines or following ambiguous work instructions. Also, I have developed user‑friendly AR experiences for workplace instruction‑following and motivational workout sessions.
Shirin Hajahmadi
My research vision entails an interdisciplinary approach, combining methodologies from Engineering and Cognitive Psychology, to harness the potential of technology beyond mere information provision.
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (in progress)
Nov. 2021 - Current
Alma Mater Studiorum‑University of Bologna
Research study: Human‑computer‑interaction, design, development and evaluation of VR/AR applications for the enhancement of cognitive functions
Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology
Oct. 2016 - Jan. 2019
Institute For Cognitive Science Studies / Shahid Beheshti University
Thesis: Map‑based Alignment Effects on the Virtual Spatial Navigation in Complex Curved Layouts
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Feb. 2006 - Apr. 2010
Institute For Cognitive Science Studies / Shahid Beheshti University
Thesis: Toward the design and development of lexical and syntactic compilers.
Professional Experience
Research fellow
March. 2020 - Oct. 2021
University of Bologna, Anastasis educational centre, Bologna, Italy
- Progetto: COMponenti tecnologiche PeR l’inclusionE Nella Didattica e nella fOrmazione (COMPRENDO)
- Developing a desktop game for improving Executive functions for children with Autism.
- Developing a Mixed reality app (with Hololens2) to overlay metadata on a photo family album.
Research Assistant
Feb. 2019 - March. 2020
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
- Design and development of VR applications for cognitive enhancement with a focus on Virtual Spatial Navigation.
Feel free to contact me.
Via Camillo Ranzani 14/c, Bologna, Italy